As the new school year approaches, it is important to put thought and effort into creating powerful partnershipswithin the school environment. By strengthening communication and developing shared expectations between home and school, more powerful learning and social experiences result for students, parents, and teachers alike.
Social Issues
Research has consistently demonstrated that the development of solid values and their environment can create “Emotional Intelligence.” this capacity is felt to be just as important as tradition thinking and reasoning skills in a person’s ultimate personality. The power of understanding social interactions and controlling powerful emotions is a critical aspect of daily life.
Schools and parents can assist children in acquiring or improving their emotional power in many different ways. Consistent value statements and modeling across home and school situations powerfully teach children these skills.
Join in Social Power
- Develop a no-tolerance policy for bullying, name-calling, teasing, and ostracism – at school AND home.
- Encourage uninvolved children to label negative situations, ask for adult intervention, and reject the aggressor.
- Identify emotionally damaging situations on television and in movies/stories. Role play alternatives. Reduce the number of times you select television programs, websites, songs, videos, and movies which have negative, insulting, and sarcastic content and interactions.
- Practice ways to state disagreements in a non-threatening manner.
- Monitor and reduce the amount of time spent in solitary activities such as television watching, game playing, and Internet/computer use. Valuable social skill learning opportunities and feedback are lost when a child is alone.
Academic Issues & Joining in Academic Power
Cooperation between teachers and parents is a powerful academic tool. children can see that learning is a valued activity which occurs 24/7. they also receive additional rehearsal, practice, and skill application when school lessons are continued at home.
Provide parents with a list of classroom topics for the month. when given in advance, parents can obtain new or extra resources on the subject.
- Require the use of daily homework assignment books and monthly calendars (for projects).
- Provide teachers with information on areas of interest, hobbies, and expertise within the family. children and parents are valuable sources of practical, hands-on information, and demonstrations.
- Reserved children may benefit from the chance to “show their stuff” in areas of interest. children who constantly seek attention (positive or negative) can benefit from learning an appropriate way to demonstrate their talents.
- Clarify expectations for homework time. children who struggle or take extraordinary amounts of time may quickly begin to avoid learning.
- Encourage students to understand their learning style. Discussions at home can help students ask for what they need in the classroom in order to do their daily “best.”
- Enforce a daily reading/learning time period – outside of homework/studies and even on weekends and holidays. Learning doesn’t take a break. It is always there if we look for it.
- Provide parents with tips and suggestions for activities and reading sources.
Powerful Books
Raising Boys by R. Biddulph
Action Guide for Effective Discipline in the Home and School by M. K. Cater
Emotional Intelligence by D. Goleman
Boys and Girls Learn Differently by M. Gurian
Bully-Proofing Your School by Garrity, Jens, et. al.
Educational Care by M. Levine
Mean Girls by K. Randall, A. Bowen, S. Bowen
Find and use all the sources of your power daily!